I think the word entrepreneurship has come to at least connote tech and startups for most people.
I wonder if it is more interesting to think of about betting on yourself.
Under this definition, the following activities are entrepreneurial:
Building an app in your spare time
Saving your money and buying a Chik-Fil-A franchise
Raising capital and building a team to create a moonshot business
Playing your original music at a coffee shop
Setting up a stand at the farmers' market
Putting yourself through college
Writing a book or a monologue
Bringing up an initiative at work and pushing to lead it
Learning the ropes of a family business with an eye toward running it eventually
In all cases, you are betting that your effort, risk, and determination will yield you something--perhaps money, but perhaps something else: satisfaction, relationships, learning.
Anyway, no great insight here, other than that I think encouraging this idea of "betting on oneself" (in the broad sense I've outlined) would be a social good in an enlightened hybrid socialist-capitalist society.
More on this later, but it's worth thinking about what forces prevent us from placing these bets.

Today's goals:
Product work for AltaClaro
Get and send my mom a birthday card
Get my hair did
Non-fiction reading
Indoor workout
Wine and dreams-->goals-->plan session